From Stocks to Flows - Evidence for the Climate-Migration-Nexus

Slow onset climate change has the potential to cause significant migration flows. Scientists have recently made considerable efforts to quantify these flows based on empirical methods. However, the literature on international migration has failed to …

Do Natural Disasters Affect Household Saving? Evidence From the August 2002 Flood in Germany

Recently, there is a growing interest in understanding the effects of life experiences on financial decision making. An underexplored question is whether and how natural disasters affect household saving behavior. For this purpose, we exploit a …

Bayesian Compression for Mixed Frequency Vector Autoregressions: A Forecast Study for Germany

Up until now, the concept of compression in single-or multivariate regressions has been limited to the common-frequency case. Having an application of macroeconomic forecasting in mind, one inevitably has to deal with variables sampled at various …